This is a collection of random bits of information that may be useful to plot holders.
- There are two pumps on the site which are present from spring to autumn (the pumps are removed in winter). If water is not flowing, use the watering can next to it to pour some water down the main shaft — thus priming the pump.
- There are watering cans and wheelbarrows next the pump that members are welcome to use. There are also a few wheelbarrows by the large storage container. Please put these back after use.
- People usually leave excess plants, vegetables and pots by the pump on the central alleyway so keep an eye out for freebies.
- There are a number of communal fruit trees around the site that members are welcome to pick reasonable quantities of fruit from. Communal trees will usually have a red aluminium tag. They have not all been documented but these are the ones I am aware of: halfway down the central alleyway, two tall apple trees and one pear tree. Along the North border (Hicks lane), from West to East, several fruit trees including a greengage tree, apple trees, a medlar, a very young quince tree, a very young mulberry tree and crab apple trees. There is also a large prolific apple tree by the woodchip pile.
- There is a wood chip pile which is periodically replenished by the Richardson Tree Surgery.
Access to the main gate is now a combination lock. The code can be obtained by emailing Malcolm Frew your vehicle registration details.